Mini quilt with facing
Quilt FacingFacing is a type of binding that doesn’t show on the front of the quilt. It is commonly used on wall hangings, art quilts and some show quilts. Quilt facing is similar to a normal binding but as it doesn’t show on the front it can allow for the design of the quilt to run to the edges of the quilt.
Notes on preparation The fabric used as the binding does not need to match the front or the back of the quilt as it will not be seen. You will be using wider strips than normal binding, and you will cut four lengths, one for each side, rather than one long length. If the sides of your quilt are longer than a width of fabric then join together strips in the usual way to get the right length. |
Photo A
Photo B
Photo C
Photo D
STEP 1 –Trim your quilt back to the quilt top, squaring off the edges (Photo A)
STEP 2 – Cut the facing strips, You will need:
STEP 3 - Press each strip in half wrong sides together, along the full length (Photo B). STEP 4 - Align one of the shorter strips along the top of your quilt so that it is centred and the raw edges are aligned. Sew down using a 1/4” seam. There will be approx 1” gap at each end (Photo C) STEP 5 - Repeat with the bottom edge of the quilt. STEP 6 - Align the one of the longer strips along the right hand side of your quilt so that it is centred and the raw edges are aligned. Sew down using a 1/4” seam. The strip will overhang by approx 1” at each end (Photo D). STEP 7 - Repeat with the left-hand edge of the quilt. STEP 8 - Press the strips out and away from the quilt to create a nice smooth fold, don’t fold over to the back yet (Photo E). STEP 9 - Once pressed outwards you will stitch, on the facing, approx 1/8” from the fold down all four sides. This is similar to dressmaking and helps with the turning over (Photo F). STEP 10 - Fold the strips over to the back of the quilt and press well. You shouldn’t be able to see any of the facing at the front. STEP 11 - Starting with the top and bottom hand stitch down the strips to the back of the quilt, being careful not to stitch through to the front (Photo G). STEP 12 - Once the top and bottom are stitched fold over the sides and repeat. The overhangs at the end should be tucked in, so that there are no raw edges showing (Photo H). I like to stitch up the folds at the ends too. |